Seminar 11/18/09: How to Develop Good Games, Manish Kushwaha and Bo Li

In modern world designing games is much more difficult and tedious job. The growing complexity in games and the fact that they are becoming larger day by day, pops up a question to one’s mind, how to design good games. We will go over the evolution of game, defining games, and then talk about the […]

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Seminar 11/4/09: Code Hacking: Cross-Site Scripting, Kelly Schafbuch, Raveena Rastogi, Shikhar Rastogi

Cross-Site Scripting is a code hacking technique that is very popular, this technique tricks a victim in order to access their personal data through script injections and hidden HTML code. We will be looking at how this hacking technique occurs and ways that it can be prevented. During our presentation a live demonstration of this […]

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