Dear Mother Nature

March 20, 2015

PMunson postcardF

Portia Munson


Digital print on silk

Portia Munson is the first of three Allison B. Allen Visiting Artists this Spring working with the theme Dear Mother Nature. Below is an excerpt from her Artist’s Statement:

“Munson uses photography, sculpture and installation to form interconnected works that examine the relationship of the natural to the artificial. Munson’s work is a record of this moment in time, observing the changes to her local environment and the impact that we are having on natural places and wildlife.

Munson creates photographic images by scanning flowers and creatures from her gardens and surrounding woods and roadsides. The images with birds at the center, still life memento mori, are meant to honor the birds. Formally inspired by the structure of flowers, Munson slices into buds, pulls blossoms apart and layers them onto one another, creating mandala-like compositions that in eastern religions represent the universe.”

The theme Dear Mother Nature was suggested by Linda Weintraub of Art Now publications who will be conducting a public workshop and lecture later in April of this year.

Portia Munson’s work will be up from January 19th through mid February 13th.

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