The Writing Center supports Central College faculty in implementing best practices in writing pedagogy and meeting the Writing Intensive Outcomes. We do this through faculty workshops, consultation, conducting in-class writing workshops, and by providing tutor support through the Intersections programs, course-specific Writing Fellows, and peer-review assistance.
Consultation: The WC can help you develop strategies that implement opportunities for students to both learn to write and write to learn, sequencing writing assignments, assignment design, effective rubrics, strategies for responding to student writing, and more.
In-class Workshops: The WC Director can conduct writing workshops on any number of issues in your classroom and tie them directly to your course material.
Writing Tutors: The writing tutors have experience working with faculty to help student writers effectively workshop their writing in the context of specific courses. Tutors can also be trained to provide even more class-specific assistance for Writing Intensive courses.
Resources: The WC has a number of handouts, tipsheets, guides, and books on writing across the curriculum available.
To set up an in-class workshop, to inquire about tutor services, or to set up a consultation session, please contact Writing Center Director Sue Pagnac at pagnacs@central.edu.
Links to External Resources
Center for Writing Studies at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This site has handouts on Writing Across the Curriculum, writing assignments, response, and writing to learn activities.
Indiana University at Bloomington’s Writing Tutorial Services. This site provides pamphlets on common writing situations.
The WAC Clearinghouse has a number of resources about Writing Across the Curriculum.
Dartmouth’s Writing Program site offers faculty material on first-year writing, pedagogies, and methods as well as handouts faculty can use in class.
The Purdue OWL has PowerPoint presentations available for download on subjects such as research and citation, professional and technical writing, academic writing, as well as grammar, mechanics, and ESL.