Application Process

Prospective Students

  • Students may apply to the Central College Upward Bound (UB) program during their 9th, 10th or 11th grade year of high school. An informational recruiting meeting occurs in each target school, followed by an application and interview process with specified deadlines.
  • Applicants must be members of families that meet current year federal income guidelines and/or be among the “first generation” in their family to go to college (A “first generation” student is defined as one who does not live with a parent who has graduated from a four-year college with a baccalaureate degree).
  • Upward Bound uses GPA, attendance, activities, counselor recommendations, income guidelines and first-generation status to determine new student admissions.



How do I apply?

Applications are typically available and accepted during October and November each fall. Students are encouraged to let their counselor know they are interested in joining Central College Upward Bound at any point in the year for current recruitment information.

Paper applications are available at all DMPS Schools. Online applications are not available at this time.

Applying for Upward Bound

  1. Visit the counseling office in your high school to ask for a Central College Upward Bound Application.
  2. Fill out the application completely. Each field MUST be filled out in order to qualify a student for the program.
  3. Turn application in to the school counseling office.
  4. UB staff will contact student for a short intake meeting to determine if a student is eligible for the program.
  5. Students will be notified if they are accepted into the program via a mailed letter and/or text.

Things you will need to apply for Upward Bound:

  1. Parent and student contact information
  2. Parent/guardian for signatures
  3. Social security number
  4. Copy of your latest federal tax form (with number of dependents and taxable income)
  5. If applicable- food stamps case # or FIP case #
  6. Copy of health insurance card if applicable

If you have any issues with the application process, please call 1-800-527-4047 Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



See your school counselor for more information or call 1-800-527-4047.

The United States Department of Education requires each Upward Bound program to select two thirds of program participants from families whose taxable income does not exceed federal income guidelines annually and are first generation students. The remaining one-third of program participants selected must qualify under the income guidelines OR be first generation in their family to attend college. A student who does not qualify in either criteria is ineligible to participate in Upward Bound.

Central College Upward Bound is 100% funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) in the amount of $583,461.