Guest Student/PSEOA Registration
Guest/non-degree seeking students
Students not seeking to earn a bachelor‘s degree from Central College may be admitted and allowed to enroll in courses as guest students. Guest students may enroll on a full- or part-time basis, but are not eligible for any financial aid from Central College, the State of Iowa or federal entitlement programs. Guest students, who at a later date seek to earn a degree at Central College, must apply for admission to the College as a degree-seeking student and meet the admission requirements. No more than 15 semester hours of credit earned while a guest student will be applied to a bachelor‘s degree program at Central; a guest student who might later seek degree-seeking status is therefore advised to formally apply for admission as a degree-seeking student as soon as possible. Non-degree seeking, guest students are not required to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress; however, Central College reserves the right to evaluate guest students‘ academic progress, to make recommendations for improving progress and to take progress-related actions (including but not limited to suspension or dismissal from the College). Guest student registration forms are available here or from the registrar‘s office in Central Hall.
Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Act (PSEOA) and high school visiting program
Students currently enrolled as juniors or seniors in high school are eligible to participate in the PSEOA program, if they meet each of the required standards. They must rank in the top third of their class and have a qualifying test score in one or more of the following test programs: ACT, SAT, PSAT or ACT-PLAN. Students in the first or second year of high school (or a ninth or tenth grade student who is identified as a gifted and talented student according to the school district’s criteria and procedures) must rank in the top 20 percent of their class and have scored a composite of 90 or 900 on the PSAT or SAT, respectively, or a composite of 20 or better on the ACT or ACT-PLAN. Courses open to high school students through PSEOA are limited to study above and beyond what is available in their high school curriculum.
To apply, a student must submit an official transcript with test score results. PSEOA and visiting student forms are available in the office of admission, and upon admission a guest registration form is available from the registrar‘s office. Accepted students may take up to nine semester hours per academic year. PSEOA students may register for classes on a space-available basis after August 1 for the fall semester and after December 1 for the spring semester. For more information on course availability, contact the registrar at or 641.628.5442.